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Jump operations at Baker Airfield in Greiling near Bad Tölz

Occasionally (usually only twice a year), jump operations take place at the former Baker Airfield in Greiling near Bad Tölz. Due to its unique location, this jump is also known as the “Alpine Jump.” This airfield is normally used only for gliding operations. An exceptional permit is required for parachute jumping operations.

The demand for tandem skydiving in Greiling is always very high due to the breathtaking view of the Alps. As soon as dates are available, they will be published on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via the contact form.

Tandem skydiving offers a unique experience that combines thrill and breathtaking views. Especially in Greiling near Bad Tölz, where you can admire the Alps from a bird’s eye view, this jump becomes an unforgettable adventure. The free fall from 4,000 meters height provides the ultimate adrenaline rush.

Greiling bei bad Tölz - Springermaschine beim boarding
Home » Tandem Skydive » Skydive locations » Greiling / Bad Tölz