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We are an independent provider of parachute tandem jumps and, together with other partner companies, have a network of about 20 tandem jump masters. We can perform up to 100 tandem jumps per day together with our business partners in the high season. TANDEMFACTORY – that sounds like mass processing …. that is not correct! Unlike many of our competitors, we value individuality. We see ourselves as ambassadors of parachute sports and want to make your jump an unforgettable experience.

Tandem jumping is a matter of trust:
When you first arrive at a jump location you will find a relaxed and easy going atmosphere. Skydiver teams prepare for the next jump on the ground, some grinning from ear to ear and talking about the experiences of their last jump or even evaluating video recordings.

However, do not let this easy going atmosphere worry you. Our experienced tandem masters know exactly what is important. Safety is our top priority, so we not only have first-class equipment, but also a team of well-trained tandem parachutists, many with several thousand jumps.

About the founder and owner

All our tandem masters are professionals

Axel Frank
DFV Licensed parachutist
DFV Licensed skydiving instructor
DFV Licensed tandem master

“You never forget your first time” … When a friend asked me many years ago, if I would like to make a parachute tandem jump, I immediately agreed. The night before the jump I did not sleep well and during the journey to the jump place my pulse rate continued to rise. The jump itself is, despite the many jumps I have completed since, ingrained in my memory. It was uniquely beautiful. “Addicted” to this wonderful sport, I then wanted to immediately start my skydiving training, however this was delayed by 2 years due to work commitments. At the FSR Club 2000 in the Upper Bavarian town of Altenstadt, I started my parachute career and since then there have been very few (jumpable) weekends that I have not been in the air. After acquiring my parachuting license, I continued my training and obtained first my instructor’s license and then the license for tandem jumping.

Today I am at the drop zone almost every weekend in the main season and, together with my colleagues, we are looking forward to bringing this fantastic sport closer to our tandem passengers. I have remained faithful to my home club, the FSR Club 2000, and support the training of their students as a voluntary instructor. Fortunately, there is still plenty of time for many beautiful solo jumps with my friends, whether at the annual Summercamp in Italy or in winter in sunny Florida.

Jump out of the plane with me and you will understand my passion for this sport!

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